A Little Something To Remember Halloween 2019 By…

Mercury rules over communication, commerce, and logistics: speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, mail, shipping, etc. All of these areas of life are affected in some way and to some extent when Mercury is in retrograde (backwards, reversed) three times a year. Prepare by giving yourself extra time, backing up all data you don’t want to say valediction to, and generally keeping it together when things go wrong. Especially this Mercury Retrograde, decision-making is compromised, so try not to sign any contracts, engage in important decision-making, or launch something new, like a business or even relationship. Delays and challenges are highly probable when Mercury is in retrograde, so have extra patience and know that this too shall (eventually) pass.
The Mercury retrograde phase is just one part of the Mercury retrograde cycle. The whole cycle includes Mercury going direct, retrograde for three weeks, then direct again. The two direct phases on either side of the retrograde period are called the shadow periods, and last for about two weeks on either end. Care is necessary as these shadow periods can also wreak havoc, but to a much lesser degree.
Mercury Retrograde is an excellent time to revisit and retrench. No need to suspend anything, just don’t START something. If you do start something new, chances are it will require ‘fixing,’ repair or revisiting at some point in the not too distant future, or again in three months time at the next Mercury Retrograde.
DO NOT make ANY rash or major decisions about relationships or money!! And REALLY don’t make any major purchases or start/modify/end a relationship. Think everything through and then wait some more! Watch what you say to people and how you react to them because we’re ALL going through this, not just Planet You. Though you may want to, and there might be heat in the moment, PLEASE DO NOT BLURT OUT THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND, it’s going to be impaired. Expect, at best, oafish clown. At worst, Franny Fracas, Donald Donnybrook, Erin Eruption, Felicia Fisticuffs, AND Reginald Rumble all rolled into one.
So FYI, if you’re experiencing more flakiness, delays, flat tires, anger, mistrust, melancholy, and confusion of your own, you should also expect to enjoy it from other people and situations too. And, surprise, surprise the buzz word for every Mercury Retrograde is: PATIENCE.