The 42 Cover
October 12th 1979 Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams hits bookstores.
October 12th 1979 Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams hits bookstores.
Thank you Stuart Smalley!
Mercury rules over communication, commerce, and logistics: speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, mail, shipping, etc. All of these areas...
Moody Human says… – Snuff out the negative attitude – Douse the drama– Count your blessings– Keep Calm and – Carry On
Offense noun of•fense | \ ə-ˈfen(t)s, especially for sense 3 ˈä-ˌfen(t)s, ˈȯ- \ variants: or offence 1: something that outrages the moral or physical...